Wednesday, April 14, 2010


yes, wonderoussss. today is exactly that. It is a combination of delight and joy. First, wake up to no school. wonderful. eat a delicious bowl of Cookie Crunch to start my day off. superb. Accidentally spilled milk all over my key board. not so wonderful. (note to self: never get in bed while eating cereal and holding your computer). I dedicated a substantial amount of time to my many study guides. good. Finally get dresses. Walked to J-Dawgs. On the way, was given a Frisbee and a root beer. awesome. Waiting in line for my polish J dawg only to discover Jackson Emery standing directly next to me. I think I drooled a little. fantastic. Basked in the warm, beautiful sun. delightful. Endulged myself with frozen yogurt, topped with kiwis. Yum. And now, currently, I am studying (to a degree) in the library. So far, today has been perfect.


Blogger A. L. Martin said...

Um.....How do I say this? I FREAKIN' LOVE YOU! For real. I'm glad you had such a glorious day!

April 16, 2010 at 2:49 AM  

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